オーガナイズドセッション: HCI International 2009

Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA

HCI International 2009にて、触覚インタラクション研究部会が主催する、オーガナイズドセッションを開催します。
セッションのタイトルは、Development of Tactile & Haptic Interactionです。最終日の24日、朝8:00より開催されます。現地にいらっしゃる方は、ぜひともご参加ください。



近年、「触覚研究」はタッチパネルや携帯電話などのインタフェース分野、 ロボットアームの操作などのロボット工学の分野、材質や肌触りなどの被服分野、 痛くない注射針などの医療工学分野など、多角的に広がってきています。 また近年の超高齢化社会において、アクセシビリティに対する関心は非常に高く なってきております。本研究会により、目的地へのリーチ、情報へのリーチに 対して、「触覚」という観点からアクセシビリティについても広く研究交流できる 場にしたいと考えております。
本研究会では、さまざまな分野で横断的に実施されている触覚研究を特集すること で、基礎から応用まで、多角的かつ学際的に共考する場となることを期待しております。


2007年12月7日(金) 10:00〜17:00
会場:産総研臨海副都心センター別館 11205〜11208室
第2部:International Society of Gerontechnology日本支部研究発表会

2nd International Workshop on
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design

Technologies to enable multimodal interaction are now sufficiently mature that research is turning away from pure technology development and looking towards interaction and design issues. Robust solutions exist to display audio and haptic feedback in many forms - for instance as speech and non speech sounds and through tactile and force feedback sensations. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the novel interactions supported by these modalities can confer benefits for all users. However, many questions remain: how can we design effective haptic, audio and multimodal interfaces? In what new application areas can we apply these techniques? Are there design methods that are useful? Or evaluation techniques that are particularly appropriate?
While multimodal interfaces are attracting more and more attention, there is relatively little work on how the haptic and auditory modalities can be efficiently and effectively combined in an interface. Is there information which is better communicated using one modality rather than another? How can we link haptic and auditory displays so that changes in one modality are reflected in the other? Can we create complimentary relationships between the information displayed to each sense? Additionally, how should we interact with these new displays and interfaces? Is a direct manipulation interaction style still appropriate? A technique that works well with a force feedback device but may not be appropriate for all types of displays. How should we interact with a tactile display, or manipulate a sonified graph?
Whilst audio and haptic interaction has been shown to be a useful tool, neither sense has the bandwidth of the visual modality. Careful, considered and informed interaction design will play a vital role if multimodal systems are to move beyond the lab and into the real world. This workshop seeks novel research addressing this human-centric challenge.

© 2007- Tactile and Haptic Interaction Study Group, JES, All Rights Reserved